Accessibility & Services

We hope to make the Gathering an accessible event for everyone. Below are a few accommodations and services we provide, as well as details about the physical accessibility of the venue.

When you register for the Gathering, please describe any additional accommodations you may need in order to fully participate. We will reach out to attendees to understand your needs and make a plan.


Complimentary onsite childcare is available at the Gathering. When you register for the Gathering, please indicate if you are interested in this service.

Spanish Interpretation

Live Spanish interpretation is available for the Opening Ceremony and select sessions. Apologies, we cannot provide interpretation in other languages at this time. When you register for the Gathering, please indicate whether you’d like to be connected to Spanish interpreters at the event. Our team will be in touch with details.

Session titles and descriptions will also be available in Spanish.

Venue Accessibility

The Center for the Arts is a mostly flat, paved property; however, some parts of the Gathering will take place on grass (more details below). There are parking spaces designated for wheelchair users, wheelchair-accessible stalls in restrooms, and elevators or ramps to all levels and balconies.

Parking and drop-off

The main parking area and location of the Gathering are connected by a flat, paved walk that is wheelchair-accessible. There is also a Passenger Loading Zone at the front of the venue, adjacent to the main entrance, that can serve as a convenient drop-off spot.

Opening Ceremony, Community Hall grass area

The Opening Ceremony and Community Hall will take place on a large grass area that can be lumpy and uneven. Many participants will also eat breakfast and lunch at the tables here, although others choose to enjoy their meals while milling about the venue. When you register for the Gathering, please indicate if you need to be seated at a wheelchair-accessible table, and we will make a plan to reserve one.

Wheelchair Service, Hearing Assistance Devices

Wheelchairs, wheelchair service, and hearing assistance devices are available to borrow for the day.

Venue Photos

Photos of the venue are available on the Center’s website. The Conference Center and Lyric Court are two spaces where Gathering programming will take place.